

Planning committee 

Planning, organizing, and implementing the Society-hosted academic conferences, meetings, and events. Carrying out liaison and coordination for the Society-related meetings. 

Editorial committee for academic journals

Serving as a contact for pre-publication papers, making request for peer review, accepting peer-reviewed papers, editing a collection of papers, and doing final proofreading. Also, accepting papers written by NPOs, NGOs, and citizens’ groups playing a role in the affected areas which do not require peer review like activity reports.

Public relations committee

Publishing a newsletter several times a year in order to provide useful information for the Society’s members including the Society’s activities, study outcomes, details of academic conferences, and opinions exchanged among the members. Managing and running the Society’s homepage and mailing list. 

Recovery assistance committee

Setting up a special support team (task force) to provide advice on recovery assistance to the affected victims and local governments on a long-term basis by sharing the Society’s stock of knowledge including the past disaster experiences and study outcomes.

Academic promotion committee

Being engaged in both direct and indirect activities which are designed to promote the Society’s academic activities and improve its ability to provide support in the disaster-affected areas. Responding to the Science Council of Japan and the Japan Academic Network for Disaster Reduction, soliciting study groups, and conducting academic promotion activities including coordination and support. In addition, advancing academic activities in the Society, and collaborating with other organizations contributing to the development of support in the disaster-stricken areas. 


1. The office of the secretariat is located in the Institute of Disaster Area Revitalization, Regrowth and Governance, Kwansei Gakuin University.

2. The secretariat is allowed to outsource its operations under the initiative of the Board of Directors. 

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