Message: English pages launched

Toward promoting a better understanding of our activities contributing to disaster recovery and revitalization

– from the Japan Society for Disaster Recovery and Revitalization

We are pleased to announce that our new website, including these English pages you are visiting now, has been launched. 

Up until the previous fiscal year, we had been focusing on various projects launched to put our research into practice in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of our Society’s foundation. This fiscal year, we decided to strengthen our public relations capabilities to introduce our activities more widely through our website. 

To enhance our communications, the Board of Directors approved to allocate the special budget for our new website and launched the Website Renewal Subcommittee under the General Affairs Committee, which has been working on the renewal process.

Taking this opportunity, we aim to upgrade the mobility and availability of our website but also improve the platform in order to provide the findings accumulated by our activities in an easy-to-understand format, with the purpose of contributing appropriately to the recovering disaster-stricken areas. We appreciate your continued support.

September 2020